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Agora Energiewende

Agora Energiewende develops scientifically sound and politically feasible strategies for a successful pathway to climate neutrality.

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Agora Energiewende



The German Energiewende

Germany is advancing towards climate neutrality, now with over 30 years of progress in gradually transforming its energy system and other sectors through its energy transition, or 'Energiewende'. This interactive dashboard provides fact-based answers to key questions about the German Energiewende, including on the transition towards renewables, energy security and competitiveness, as well as public support for the shift.

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The German Energiewende

What we’re working on

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Agora in the World

Agora Energiewend is active in a variety of regions and countries and has offices in Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin and Brussels. We furthermore cooperate with a wide network of partner think tanks on the ground. Explore our international work.