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Aylin Shawkat

Project Manager Climate and Industrial Policy

Aylin Shawkat is Project Manager for Climate and Industrial Policy at Agora Industry and Agora Energiewende. She is part of the unit “Climate and Industrial Policy Germany”, which focusses on cross-cutting issues related to a successful climate-neutral transformation and to the decarbonisation of industry. Her focus areas include overarching economic issues of the climate-neutral transformation, international governance of the industry transition, trade policy as well as green lead markets and circular economy strategies.

Prior to joining Agora, Aylin worked for the Swedish Trade and Invest Council on bilateral trade relations between Sweden and Germany, and as an International Relations Fellow for a medical technology company in the US. She started her professional career in a communications consultancy in Frankfurt am Main.

Aylin Shawkat studied economics and international relations in Frankfurt, Stockholm and Washington, D.C. During her studies, she worked as a research assistant in industrial economics.