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Scaling up renewable energy

A rapid build-out of renewable energies is at the heart of any effective response to the climate crisis, it is technically possible, economically affordable and will also enhance energy security.

Renewable power investments are booming, driven by rapidly declining costs and concerns about the accelerating climate crisis. However, to set the world on a pathway to climate neutrality, to avoid dangerous tipping points in the climate system, and to reduce fossil fuel dependency, global investments into renewables need to increase even further, with more than doubling current annual deployment rates.

Easy access to financing and accelerated planning and approval procedures are needed to achieve the necessary speed. As insufficient grid capacity is often one of the main bottlenecks to integrate a high share of renewable power in the system, modernisation of grid infrastructure is also a top priority.

It is thus crucial to have strong policy, market, and regulatory frameworks in place to unlock the full potential of renewable energy and enable a rapid decarbonisation. Such frameworks are pivotal not only for the power sector itself, but for the transition of the whole economy.

Agora works across different geographies, developing state-of-the-art policy solutions to rapidly upscale renewable energy deployment in different contexts. In Germany, our work currently focuses on simplifying renewables permitting and land access. At the EU level, we work on power market design and power system flexibility to enable at least 70 percent renewable power share by 2030. In Southeast Asia, East Asia, and China we provide support for the development of robust policy and regulatory frameworks to attract greater renewable energy investment and reduce financing costs.

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Scaling up renewable energy