The following sources were used to inform "The German Energiewende" dashboard:
3: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
4: Energy Efficiency Law (2023)
5: Federal Network Agency (2024)
6: Agora Energiewende, NERA Economic Consulting (2024)
8: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023)
9: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
10: Agora Energiewende, Agora Industry (2021)
11: Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Energiewende and Frontier Economics (2018)
12: IRENA (2024)
13: IEA (2023)
14: Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (2022)
17: Maximilian Kotz, Anders Levermann, Leonie Wenz (2024)
18: Flaute, M., Reuschel, S. & Stöver, B. (2022)
19: Netzentwicklungsplan (2023)
20: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (2024)
22: Hirth (2024)
23: Energy Storage News (2024)
24: Amprion (2024)
26: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
29: European Commission (2017)
30: MWM (2024)
31: Prognos, Öko-Institut, Wuppertal Institut (2021)
32: FFE (2023)
34: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023)
35: Energy Storage News (2024)
36: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2023)
37: Enerdata (2024)
38: Ember (2024)
40: Global Solar PV Brain Trust (2024)
41: Latham and Watkins (2024), Energy Storage News (2024), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
44: DNV (2024)
47: Energy Storage News (2024)
50: Tiedemann and Müller-Hansen (2023)
51: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2020)
53: Destatis (2023)
54: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2007)
55: RAG (2019)
57: Metropole Ruhr Business (2024)
59: World Resources Institute (2021)
62: IEA (2024)
65: European Commission (2024)
66: ICAP (2023)
67: Local Energy Consulting (2020)
68: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
69: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024)
70: Clean Energy Wire (2024), S&P Global (2024)
72: 50hertz
74: Prognos, Öko-Institut, Wuppertal Institut (2021)
75: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2021), Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (2021)
76: Expertenrat für Klimafragen (2025)
77: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2019)
78: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2024), Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (2021)