Vishwesh Pavnaskar
Senior Research Associate beim World Institute of Sustainable Energy, Eaton India Innovation Center
Vishwesh Pavnaskar is working as Senior Research Associate at the World Institute of Sustainable Energy (WISE) based in Pune, India. With diverse experience of working in social organisations and strategy consulting, he is interested in working towards a more sustainable and economically viable energy sector in India.
WISE is a national level energy policy think tank primarily focusing on regulatory affairs of the energy sector and sustainability consulting. Vishwesh’s work at WISE includes energy policy analysis, energy efficiency and GRI based sustainability reporting. Through WISE he was also engaged as consultant for the Government of Bhutan to formulate a national subsidy policy for the promotion of solar water heaters. With his work in South Asia, he has exposure to different energy transformation scenarios and is enthusiastic to work in diverse geographic settings.
Before joining WISE, Vishwesh was working with the State Chamber of Commerce (MCCIA) in its social arm ‘Janwani’. As a project co-ordinator he has connected teams working for sustainable development of Pune city. His work particularly focussed on waste management, carbon foot printing and mitigation strategies.
Vishwesh has a Master in energy studies from Pune University, as well as a bachelor in mechanical engineering.