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1 November 2019

Application start for new EnerTracks Online Modules

The application process for the new EnerTracks Online Training modules has started. In module three, participants will deal with the technical requirements of the energy transformation. Module four focuses on the power sector system analysis.

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Eligible EnerTracks candidates are invited to apply for module three and four of the EnerTracks Online Training programme until November 30, 2019. The Online Training is hosted by the Renewables Academy (RENAC) and is part of the EnerTracks Training Programme. Module three deals with the technical requirements for the energy system transformation and starts on January 20, 2020. The fourth online module will give participants an understanding of the systems analysis of the power sector and starts on March 30, 2020. The application deadline for both online courses is November 30, 2019. The EnerTracks online courses are aimed at energy experts from low- and middle-income countries.

The online training is one of three parts of the EnerTracks Training Programme, which further includes the Fellowship programme and the EnerTracks study tours. Around 190 climate and energy experts have already participated at the first two online modules. Candidates who successfully complete all four parts of the online training receive the "Energy Transformation Expert" certificate. The first two parts of the course will be offered again in mid-2020. Hence, those who start with modules three and four still have the opportunity to complete the online training. 

More information about the EnerTracks Online Training can be found online on the RENAC homepage.


The EnerTracks training programme was developed by Agora Energiewende in cooperation with the Renewables Academy (RENAC) supported by the International Climate Change Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nukleare Sicherheit). This multi-disciplinary programme aims to deepen and foster international expertise on how to tackle the energy transformation worldwide. EnerTracks offers practical lessons, online courses, academic training, and one-on-one coaching. To learn more, see the links below.