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24 May 2023, 11:00 – 12:30

Breaking free from fossil gas: a new path to a climate-neutral Europe

Deep dive power sector and energy supply

Event Recording

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Despite REPowerEU’s focus on the need to reduce fossil gas consumption and diversify fossil gas supplies in the 2030 perspective, the EU has not gone as far as to explicitly draw a pathway out of fossil gas. Alternatives to fossil gas such as biomethane and renewable hydrogen are also being strongly supported in the very short term, while no impact assessment has been carried out to assess the sustainability and trade-offs of such a strategy.

In a new report, Agora Energiewende outlines a vision for a complete fossil gas phase-out pathway for the EU, covering the energy, buildings and industry sectors based on modelling work carried out by Artelys, TEP Energy and Wuppertal Institute. The key findings were presented in a webinar on 4 May  (for the recording of this event please click the according link in the “all content” section below).

In a series of three further webinars, we will present and discuss the sectoral results and policy implications of the report.

Together with Artelys, this first session will cover the power sector and energy supply in the EU-27, providing insights on how the power sector should evolve towards 2050 to cover the increasing power demand and which balance would be optimal to supply the needed energy in the various sectors (flexibility options, domestic production versus imports, role of alternative fuels).

The 1,5 hour webinar was hold in englisch and included a Q&A session with the audience at the end.

The presentation can be found in the download section below.

The recording can be found above.

Event details

Breaking free from fossil gas: a new path to a climate-neutral Europe

Agora Online Event

For further information