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Event Bonn
14 November 2017, 15:30 – 18:30

China renewable energy outlook 2017: China's energy transition roadmap

COP23 side event

China has started the transformation from a coal-based energy system with high environmental costs to a low-carbon and environmentally friendly energy system. The right strategies for policy measures are on the table, but the success of the energy transition depends on strong implementation of the supporting policies – the power market must be enforced in a way that stimulates flexibility and integration of renewable energy, the carbon pricing mechanisms must ensure sufficiently high carbon prices to make an impact on CO2 emissions and the support schemes for renewable energy must stimulate cost-efficient deployment of renewable energy projects. Also, more ambitious targets for renewable energy and for coal reduction are needed in the near-term for China to be able to comply with the Paris Agreement requirements for a "well below 2 °C" future.

In the new 2017 version of China Renewable Energy Outlook, China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) and its national and international partners – Agora Energiewende being one of them – analyse different roadmaps for the Chinese energy transition, aiming at a low-carbon energy system in 2050. At the European launch of the China Renewable Energy Outlook 2017 on 14 November some 100 participants were invited to join the discussion on the actions that need to be taken in China and internationally in order to prevent more damaging climate change.

PROGRAMME and further information
The full agenda as well as more information about speakers and logistics can be downloaded from the media section below.

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Event details

China renewable energy outlook 2017: China's energy transition roadmap

GIZ Mäanderbau Building
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36
53113 Bonn

For further information