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14 February 2018, 11:00 – 12:00

Energy transition in the power sector in Europe: state of affairs in 2017

A review of developments in 2017 and an outlook on 2018

Event Recording

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How much power did renewable energies produce in 2017? How did greenhouse gas emissions develop last year? Did consumers in 2017 use more or less electricity than in 2016?

For the third consecutive year, Agora Energiewende and Sandbag have joined forces to develop a report on the state of the energy transition in the power sector in Europe. This annual review of key developments uses recent statistical data to identify major developments in the European power sector by way of accessible charts and graphs. Key topics of the publication include power generation, power consumption, CO2 emissions, and electricity prices. This serves as background to reflect on

  • Where are we coming from?
  • Where do we stand today?
  • What to look out for in 2018?

Following the publication of the analysis (available for download in the media-section below) Agora Energiewende and Sandbag offered a webinar where the authors, Dave Jones from Sandbag and Alice Sakhel from Agora Energiewende, presented its key messages. Their presentation was followed by a moderated discussion by Matthias Buck from Agora Energiewende.

The publication as well as the slides which were shown during the webinar may be downloaded in the media-section below.
The video taken during this online-event may be watched on YouTube by using either the link on the right or on top of this entry.

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Event details

Energy transition in the power sector in Europe: state of affairs in 2017

Agora Online Event


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