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Event Brussels | Online
24 January 2024, 9:00 – 16:30 UTC+1

EU climate and energy policy in the decisive decade

20 policy initiatives for the 2024-2029 policy cycle to advance solidarity, competitiveness and sovereignty in Europe’s transition to climate neutrality

Rounding off an insightful day in Brussels: our panel discussion with representatives from the EU.States.

Event Recording

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What this event is about

Greenhouse gas pollution is a cumulative problem, every avoided tonne of emissions counts. Scientists worldwide are sending increasingly stark warnings that only a fast peaking of global emissions followed by rapid year-on-year reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can prevent large parts of the globe from becoming uninhabitable for humans. Climate action is entering its decisive decade – in Europe and globally.
With European elections in June 2024 quickly approaching and the appointment of a new European Commission scheduled for November 2024, there is increasing political debate on what should be the EU’s climate and energy policy-making priorities in the 2024-2029 cycle.

Effective implementation of the Fit for 55 package will be a major focus, regardless of the election results. However, the focus of new climate policy initiatives in the 2024-2029 cycle will strongly be influenced by the election. Compared to five years ago, concerns about social justice, industrial competitiveness and security will likely play a much stronger role. Also, new policies for the post-2030 period will need to deal with a different set of issues and challenges compared to pre-2030 policies.

On 24 January 2024, Agora Energiewende published recommendations on climate and energy for the 2024-2029 policy cycle. Building on 18 months of research and dialogue, the new report titled "EU policies for climate neutrality in the decisive decade" pulls together insights from across the Agora Think Tanks. Preliminary findings have been discussed with decision-makers and stakeholders from across the political spectrum. The 20 recommended policy initiatives for the incoming EU Commission address all sectors and aim to advance solidarity, competitiveness and sovereignty in Europe’s transition to climate neutrality.

After a high-level opening, conference participants were able to attend – depending on their individual preferences – several interactive breakout discussions led by different Agora experts (this part was NOT live streamed). To round off, a high-level panel discussed key issues and messages arising from this interactive part of the conference.

The primary audience of this conference were Members of the European Parliament and their assistants, civil servants of EU Member States and the EU institutions, as well as climate and energy stakeholders and experts.

The detailed agenda can be found in the download area below.

The slides shown during this event can be found further down.

We recorded the first and the third session of the event and will publish the recording shortly after the event.

Event details

EU climate and energy policy in the decisive decade

Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union
Room: Ground floor
47 Rue Montoyer
1000 Brussels
