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21 February 2014

New report provides overview of Polish power sector

With its report on the Polish power system, Agora Energiewende launches a series of country profiles on the power sectors in several key European countries. These reports provide an overview on structure, main features and future challenges and shall serve as a tool to enhance the knowledge basis and prepare the ground for thinking about potential cooperation.

Therefore Agora Energiewende asked the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) to develop a set of short, standard and readable reports on the power sectors of Germany’s neighbouring countries, focusing on key features, regulatory frameworks and important political developments. Originally, the country profiles were supposed to serve internal purposes only. But, as we believe this information could be valuable for others as well, we decided to publish it and make it accessible to everyone. This country profile on Poland is the first of a series that will eventually cover roughly twelve countries – including one on Germany. It is certainly not exhaustive. We rather consider it as work in progress that we will be reviewing on a regular basis, checking latest developments, improving the text and adding new aspects. We would thus invite everyone to send us comments and corrections that could be incorporated into the next versions to countryprofile(at)agora-energiewende(dot)de. The document may be downloaded below.