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26 October 2016, 11:00 – 12:00

Refining short-term electricity markets to enhance flexibility

Event Recording

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Following the publication of our analysis "Refining Short-Term Electricity Markets to Enhance Flexibility – Stocktaking as well as Options for Reform in the Pentalateral Energy Forum Region" Agora Energiewende conducted a webinar where Christian Redl and Dimitri Pescia, both from Agora Energiewende, presented its key findings.

The publication shows how short-term energy markets can be made more flexible – a no-regret option for market design. More flexible energy markets are key to align market operations with increasing shares of wind and solar power. Currently, the rules on the electricity markets in the countries of Central Western Europe differ widely from each other, inhibiting both an optimal use of the flexibility of the electricity system and cross-border electricity trading. The study, produced by CE Delft (the Netherlands) and Microeconomix (France) on behalf of Agora Energiewende, points to the causes and paths to resolving the problem.

The publication as well as the slides which were shown during the webinar may be downloaded in the media-section below.

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Refining short-term electricity markets to enhance flexibility

Agora Online Event


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