- pdf 96 KB Programme
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Renewable Integration and Flexibility – Lessons Learned from Denmark (Event 1)
Slides Stephanie Ropenus, Agora Energiewende
pdf 889 KB
The Danish Experience with Integration of Variable Renewable Energy
Slides Anders Kofoed-Wiuff, Ea Energy Analyses
pdf 2 MB
The role of power to heat – Heat pumps, electrical heat boilers and heat storage
Slides Marie Münster, DTU Management Engineering
pdf 1 MB
Smart Energy Systems
Slides John Tang, Dansk Fjernvarme
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Green Book, White Book, Electricity Market Bill… moving forward to a modern electricity market design in Germany
Slides Sophie Müller-Godeffroy, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
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The Danish experience with regulating power and wind energy: experience from a wind energy trader
Slides Jens Tang, NEAS Energy A/S
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The German experience with regulating power and wind energy: present state and future challenges
Slides Andreas Linder, German Wind Energy Association (BWE)
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System and Market Integration – The Perspective of a German Energy Trader
Slides Matthias Stark, GEWI AG
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Interconnection as a flexibility option
Slides Geir Brønmo, Energinet.dk
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Interconnection and cross-border market integration – Perspective of 50Hertz
Slides André S. Estermann, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
pdf 837 KB
Flexibility options – a distribution system operator perspective
Slides Sascha Thorsten Schröder, EWE Netz GmbH
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The Danish Experience with Integrating Variable Renewable Energy
Lessons learned and options for improvement
Renewable energy integration and flexibility – what can we learn from the Danish energy transition?
Lessons from Denmark – event 1
Wind energy covered 39 percent of Danish electricity demand in 2014 – thereby setting a new record. Until 2050 Denmark is striving for an entirely renewable energy system across all sectors to become fossil fuel free. For the power and heat sector this goal is to be achieved even earlier.
What lessons can we learn from the Danish energy transition, the so-called “grøn omstilling”? This event series invites you to take a closer look at the experiences gained in Denmark so far.
The focus of event 1, which attracted more than 100 participants, was on variable renewable energy integration and the flexibility challenge in Denmark. On this occasion Anders Kofoed-Wiuff (Ea Energy Analysis) presented the overview paper “The Danish Experience with Integration of Variable Renewable Energy – Lessons Learned and Options for Improvement” which was released by Agora Energiewende on the same day (the study can be downloaded in the media-section below). Afterwards, selected topics presented by Danish and German stakeholders were on the agenda revolving the following questions:
- What is the role of the heat sector in Denmark?
- What is the experience of system integration of wind energy and regulating power in Denmark and in Germany?
- What is the German White Paper about?
- How are interconnectors and cross-border market integration used as a flexibility option in Denmark and in Germany?
The event engaged in a German-Danish energy policy dialogue and was held in English.
All slides which were presented during the event as well as the publication can be found in the media-section below.
Event details
Renewable energy integration and flexibility – what can we learn from the Danish energy transition?
NH Hotel Friedrichstraße
Room: Room Madrid II
Friedrichstraße 96
10117 Berlin
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