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3 September 2019

Request for proposal – renewable-based decarbonization pathways for Japan

Agora Energiewende and the Renewable Energy Institute Japan (REI) are launching a new project entitled “A 2050 renewable-based decarbonization pathway for Japan – study on the role of renewable-based electrification in supplying power, transport, heating and cooling demands in Japan”. We are searching for consultants to support us with this project.

[Translate to English:]

Agora Energiewende and REI are searching for a supporting consultant for their new project on renewable-based decarbonisation paths for Japan. The task will be to develop pathways that can demonstrate how very large shares of renewables can be integrated into the Japanese power system, and also how renewables-based electrification can contribute to the decarbonization of power, heat and transport systems. This is a public tender. Deadline for proposal submission is September 18, 2019.