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10 January 2019, 11:00 – 12:00

Same game – different rules: the impact of national policies on the cost of onshore wind and priorities for cross-cooperation

Insights from the PENTA region

Regulations governing the construction of wind parks vary considerably between countries. These differences can have a stronger impact on generation costs than differences in wind resources. While EU rules on renewable energy push for enhanced cross-border cooperation, they currently do not offer a consistent framework for implementation.

Regulatory factors frequently play a larger role than wind resource availability in determining the cost of wind power generation in Northwestern Europe. In Belgium, for example, costs of 26 euros per megawatt arise for project planning, approval, grid connection, taxes and financing. In Germany and France, by contrast, the equivalent figures are 12 and 20 euros, respectively. To make up for this difference, a wind park in Belgium would need to produce 20 percent more power than its counterpart in Germany. To date, the cost differences resulting from divergent regulatory regimes have not been taken into account in cross-border renewable energy auctions, such as those held between Germany and Denmark. According to a new study carried out on behalf of Agora Energiewende that examines key cost factors in cross-border renewable energy projects, costs stemming from differences in regulation have the potential to distort an otherwise competitive playing field.

The study was carried out by the consultancies Ecofys and Eclareon on behalf of Agora Energiewende. The authors assessed and compared the regulatory-driven planning, approval, financing, and grid costs that arise for an average wind energy project in the countries that make up the Pentalateral Energy Forum (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland). During this webinar Christian Redl, Senior Associate European Energy Cooperation, will present the main results of the study. The session will be facilitated by Matthias Buck, Head of European Energy Policy.

The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, 10 January, from 11 till 12 am (Central European Time) and will be held in English.

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We look forward to an interesting discussion and hope you can join our webinar.

Event details

Same game – different rules: the impact of national policies on the cost of onshore wind and priorities for cross-cooperation

Agora Online Event


For further information