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Event Brussels | Online
7 March 2019, 14:00 – 17:30

The big picture of a just and clean European energy transition in 2030

Event Recording

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On 7 March, Agora Energiewende – in close cooperation with Agora Verkehrswende – will launch a new flagship report: “European Energy Transition in 2030: The Big Picture”.

The report summarises 14 months of research and discussion with a broad range of experts, stakeholders and senior decision-makers in Brussels and capitals throughout Europe on the core challenges of the clean European energy transition. It identifies 10 concrete political priorities that would decisively advance the clean European energy transition in the next years, laying the ground for delivering what is “on the books” today and highlighting where a further acceleration seems possible. Based on rigorous analysis of the best available data and key trends shaping energy systems, the report also assesses the state of the clean energy transition in power, buildings, transport and industry. It explains the costs and benefits of the clean energy transition, and builds a case for why the European Union can and should play an important role in advancing a political project that concerns us all.

To discuss the report and its findings during the event, Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy & Spatial Planning, Luxemburg, and Patrick Graichen, Executive Director of Agora Energiewende, were joined by a prestigious line-up of leading EU decision-makers: Sami Andoura (EU Commission), Aurélie Beauvais (SolarPower Europe), Eva Chamizo Llatas (Iberdrola), Giles Dickson (WindEurope), Fiona Hall (eceee), Susanne Nies (ENTSO-E), William Todts (Transport&Environment), Robert van der Meer (HeidelbergCement), Paul Voss (Euroheat&Power), and James Watson (Eurogas).

The event was live video streamed and you can watch the edited video further up on this site. The slides which were shown during the event can soon be found in the download section below.

The agenda with further details can be found in the download section below.

Event details

The big picture of a just and clean European energy transition in 2030

Representation of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia to the European Union
Rue Montoyer 47
1000 Brussels

For further information