- Authors
- Dr. Patrick Graichen, Dr. Barbara Praetorius, Dr. Gerd Rosenkranz, Philipp Litz
- Publication date
11 January 2016
- Pages
- 5
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Consensus on Coal.
Eleven principles for reaching a consensus on coal
English summary of "Elf Eckpunkte für einen Kohlekonsens: Konzept zur schrittweisen Dekarbonisierung des deutschen Stromsektors"
Bibliographical data
Main Report
pdf 1 MB
Eleven Principles for Reaching a Consensus on Coal
English Summary of "Elf Eckpunkte für einen Kohlekonsens: Konzept zur schrittweisen Dekarbonisierung des deutschen Stromsektors"
Slide Deck
pdf 480 KB
Eleven Principles for a Consensus on Coal
Concept for a stepwise decarbonisation of the German power sector
Our experts
Barbara Praetorius
Professor of Economics (Main Focus on Environmental Economics) / Deputy Director (until March 2017)