- Authors
- Hanna Fakete (NewClimate), Mathis Rogner (Agora Energiewende), Dimitri Pescia (Agora Energiewende), Hyunju Laeticia Ock (NewClimate)
- Publication date
11 June 2024
- Pages
- 28
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy System in Southeast Asia (CASE).
Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia
Energy Security, the Role of Gaseous Energy Carriers and Renewables-based Electrification
A new research brief underscores that rapid expansion of renewable electricity and electrification of energy end users are essential, not only to achieve climate mitigation targets but also to boost energy security and economic development across Southeast Asia. Focusing on Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam and the Philippines – four countries that are part of the project “Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia” (CASE) – the brief analyses net-zero pathways under two different decarbonisation scenarios – one centred on reducing fossil fuel use through the deep electrification of energy demand, and the other achieving these reductions through the use of renewable gases such as hydrogen.
Bibliographical data
Partner Publication
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Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia
Energy Security, the Role of Gaseous Energy Carriers and Renewables-based Electrification