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30 November 2022, 8:30 – 12:00

Promoting Sino-German energy cooperation in distributed renewables, renewable hydrogen, and regional transition

Event Recording

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During this webinar Agora Energiewende China presented three analytical reports on distributed energy, renewable hydrogen, and regional energy transition prepared within the project "Energy Transition (EnTrans) – Phase II". This project is part of the Sino-German Energy Partnership. It aims at promoting Sino-German bilateral exchange and cooperation on low-carbon energy policy. The project introduces successful practical experiences from the German energy transition as well as the problems and challenges encountered in this process. It provides insights and policy recommendations for think tanks and policy research institutes working on China's energy policy. It also gives room to introducing China's achievements and experiences in the field of energy transition to the international community, including Germany.

On 30 November we not only presented the reports but also discussed the Sino-German energy transition process, experiences, lessons learned and insights with a number of stakeholders from China as well as Germany.

You can find the detailed programme of this webinar in the download section further down.

You can find the presentations of this event in the download section further down.

The recording can be found above.

The EnTrans project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the National Energy Administration of China (NEA). It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in collaboration with Agora Energiewende and the German Energy Agency (dena).

Event details

Promoting Sino-German energy cooperation in distributed renewables, renewable hydrogen, and regional transition

Agora Online Event

For further information