- Authors
- Christian Redl
- Publication number
- 139/01-won-2018/EN
- Publication date
14 August 2018
- Pages
- 38
- Suggested Citation
- Agora Energiewende 2018: A word on flexibility
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Understanding the Energiewende.
- Format
- Background
- Date
- 14 August 2018
A word on flexibility
The German Energiewende in practice: how the electricity market manages flexibility challenges when the shares of wind and PV are high

Because wind power and PV are intermittent energy sources, their dominance has introduced a new paradigm for power systems: Flexibility.
Flexibility is already an issue in Germany’s electrical system today. Dispatchable conventional power plants have to ramp up and down more frequently and more quickly, often operating at partial loads, and have to be turned on and off with greater regularity. As this paper shows, the need for flexibility is more pronounced in times of high wind and PV feed-in: with renewables constituting 33.1% of power generation in 2017, the share of RES-E has been as high as 88% and the share of wind and PV alone can be as high as 75%. A key question therefore is: Can the German power system remain reliable while keeping its costs reasonable when need for flexibility is high? We provide some answers to this question.
To manage the so-called flexibility challenge, wholesale power markets allow market participants to sell and buy electricity as prices rise and fall, ensuring an equilibrium between supply and demand. This paper explains how the German power system manages flexibility requirements with wholesale markets and explains the basic functioning and structure of these markets. Selected case studies of days when shares of variable renewables (vRES) fluctuate greatly are being analysed. The paper concludes with more general observations regarding the successful management of flexibility requirements using power markets.
Bibliographical data
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A word on flexibility
The German Energiewende in practice: how the electricity market manages flexibility challenges when the shares of wind and PV are high
All figures in this publication
The German power generation mix in 2017.
Figure 1 from A word on flexibility on page 10

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Power generation and consumption in Germany, 27 to 31 October 2017.
Figure 2 from A word on flexibility on page 10

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Geography and prize-zone con? guration in central, western and northern Europe.
Figure 3 from A word on flexibility on page 11

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Sequence of market-based transactions in the German power market.
Figure 4 from A word on flexibility on page 13

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IDM spread (de? ned as intraday minus day-ahead price) vs. day-ahead wind forecast error..(de? ned as actual wind generation minus day-ahead forecast) in Germany in November 2015.
Figure 5 from A word on flexibility on page 14

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Types of balancing reserves in response to real-time imbalances of supply and demand.
Figure 6 from A word on flexibility on page 15

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Illustration of wholesale power market and merit-order of generation technologies as a function of their generation costs*
Figure 7 from A word on flexibility on page 15

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Electricity production of solar PV on 20 March 2015.
Figure 8 from A word on flexibility on page 18

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Generation, consumption and net exports of Germany on 20 March 2015. The lower ? gure shows electricity production from dispatchable power plants.
Figure 9 from A word on flexibility on page 19

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Price on the intraday market auction in Germany on 20 March relative to a “normal” business day in that month.
Figure 10 from A word on flexibility on page 18

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Comparison of activated balancing energy (top ? gure) and the remaining area control error (bottom ? gure) in the German power grid on 19 and 20 March 2015
Figure 11 from A word on flexibility on page 20

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Electricity generation and demand in Germany, 21–31 December 2015.
Figure 12 from A word on flexibility on page 21

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Electricity generation from hard-coal (top ? gure) and lignite plants (bottom ? gure) and day-ahead market prices, 21–31 Dec 2015. During this period, the minimum generation level of hard-coal plants amounted to 4 GW, whereas that of lignite plants amounted to 8 to 10 GW (as indicated by the highlights).
Figure 13 from A word on flexibility on page 24

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Electricity generation from nuclear plants and market prices, 21–31 Dec 2015.
Figure 14 from A word on flexibility on page 26

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Electricity generation from gas plants and market prices, 21–31 Dec 2015.
Figure 15 from A word on flexibility on page 27

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Electricity generation from pumped-storage hydropower and market prices, 21-31 Dec 2015...Note that this graph shows hourly averages. Pumped-storage hydropower plants typically operate on a quarter-hourly basis; accordingly, generation during these intervals can be larger than the values shown here. ..
Figure 16 from A word on flexibility on page 28

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Electricity generation and demand in Germany, 7 to 16 May 2016.
Figure 17 from A word on flexibility on page 29

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Qualitative representation of key..? exibility parameters of a power plant.
Figure 18 from A word on flexibility on page 30

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Ramp rates and start-up times of different power plant technologies
Figure 19 from A word on flexibility on page 30

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Electricity generation from hard-coal (top ? gure) and lignite plants (bottom ? gure) and day-ahead market prices, 7 to 16 May 2016. The hard-coal ? eet ramped up and down by up to 3 GW per hour as shown in the ? gure.
Figure 20 from A word on flexibility on page 31

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Electricity generation from nuclear plants and market prices, 7 to 16 May 2016.
Figure 21 from A word on flexibility on page 32

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Electricity generation from gas plants and market prices, 7 to 16 May 2016.
Figure 22 from A word on flexibility on page 32

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Electricity generation from pumped-storage hydropower and market prices from 7 to 16 May 2016.
Figure 23 from A word on flexibility on page 33

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