- pdf 834 KB Agenda
pdf 2 MB
Slides: Towards clean, secure and affordable energy systems in Southeast Europe
Janez Kopač, Director, Energy Community Secretariat
pdf 649 KB
Slides: Towards clean, secure and affordable energy systems in Southeast Europe
Frauke Röser, NewClimate Institute
pdf 2 MB
Just transition: the socio-economic challenge of phasing-down conventional generation
Ada Amon, E3G
pdf 443 KB
Slides: SEE RES variability and system impacts in high RES scenarios in 2030
László Szabo , REKK
Towards clean, secure and affordable energy systems in Southeast Europe
Event Recording
The recording of the event can be watched by clicking the YouTube start button above.
Countries throughout Southeast Europe have high shares of electricity generated by an aging fleet of coal-fired power plants. Within the next decade, utilities and governments will decide whether to modernise or replace roughly 50 percent of the installed coal plants.
The conference aimed to look at the bigger picture of the regional energy transition, assessing the status quo and discussing options and requirements for clean, secure and affordable energy systems. It shall support a fact-based dialogue on the energy transition in Southeast Europe and create a space for making inclusive alliances comprised of governments, EU institutions, think-tanks, NGOs and citizens.
The conference is part of two ongoing multi-country energy transition projects: The South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue and the Western Balkans Energy Transition Dialogue.
The agenda can be found in the download section below.
You can also find all slides shown during the event in the download section.
The project "South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue" is financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
The project "Western Balkans Energy Transition Dialogue" is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT).
Event details
Towards clean, secure and affordable energy systems in Southeast Europe
Festsaal der Labstelle
Wollzeile 1
1010 Vienna
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