Renewables will provide 50% of SEE power demand in 2030. The European energy transition is underway.
By 2030, renewables will account for 55% of power generation in Europe, and 50% of power generation in SEE. Nearly 70% of renewable power in SEE will stem from wind and solar, given the excellent resource potential of these renewables in the region.
Cross-border power system integration will minimise flexibility needs. Wind and solar pose challenges for power systems due to their variable generation. But weather patterns differ across countries.
For example, wind generation can fluctuate from one hour to the next by up to 47% in Romania, whereas the comparable figure for Europe is just 6%. Moving from national to regional balancing substantially lowers national flexibility needs. Increased cross-border interconnections and regional cooperation are thus essential for integrating higher levels of wind and PV generation.
Conventional power plants will need to operate in a flexible manner. For economic reasons, hard coal and lignite will provide less than 25% of SEE power demand by 2030.
Accordingly, conventional power plants will need to flexibly mirror renewables generation: When renewables output is high, conventionals produce less, and when renewables output is low, fossil power plants increase production. Flexible operations will become an important aspect of power plant business models.
Security of supply in SEE power systems with 50% RES is ensured by a mix of conventional power plants and cross-border cooperation.
The available reserve capacity margin in SEE will remain above 35% in 2030. More interconnectors, market integration and regional cooperation will be key factors for maximising national security of supply and minimising power system costs. SEE can be an important player in European power markets by providing flexibility services to CEE in years of high hydro availability.
- Format
- Analysis
- Date
- 19 June 2019
The Southeast European power system in 2030
Flexibility challenges and regional cooperation benefits

Energy systems in Europe are undergoing a fundamental transformation. As fossil fuels are increasingly phased out, renewables and energy efficiency will become the backbones of the new energy system. As early as 2030, 55% of the electricity being generated in Europe will come from renewables.
While this transition will help to mitigate global warming, it also makes economic sense. The cost of wind power and solar PV has dropped significantly in recent decades, and further cost reductions are anticipated. Power systems in Southeast Europe (SEE), being largely dependent on lignite-fired electricity, will also undergo dramatic change. By 2030, renewables will be responsible for some 50% of power output in SEE, with wind and solar accounting for two-thirds of this generation.
As wind and solar are weather-dependent, their production patterns are variable. Power systems will have to cope with this variable generation by becoming much more flexible. Moreover, in order to ensure security of supply at the lowest possible cost, stronger physical integration of power systems and regional cooperation will be key.
To better understand the issues at stake, we have commissioned experts from REKK to examine potential developments up to 2030 in SEE: What kinds of flexibility requirements arise from the projected growth of wind and PV? To what extent can further power market integration within SEE and beyond help to meet this challenge? And will power systems still possess sufficient reserve margins to guarantee security of supply in critical situations?
I hope you find this study an inspiring and enjoyable read. Your comments are of course welcome.
Key findings
Bibliographical data
- Authors
- László Szabó, András Mezősi, Enikő Kácsor, Péter Kotek, Adrienn Selei, László Paizs (REKK); Gustav Resch (TU WIEN)
- Publication number
- 154/03-A-2019/EN
- Version number
- 1.0
- Publication date
19 June 2019
- Pages
- 60
- Suggested Citation
- REKK Foundation (2019): The Southeast European power system in 2030: Flexibility challenges and benefits from regional integration. Analysis on behalf of Agora Energiewende.
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Western Balkans Energy Transition Dialogue.
pdf 2 MB
The Southeast European power system in 2030
Flexibility challenges and benefits from regional integration
All figures in this publication
Main inputs and outputs of the EPMM model
Figure 1 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 19

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Electricity generation mix of the SEE region, 2017 (actual data) and 2030 (decarbonization scenario)
Figure 2 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 23

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Yearly average utilization rates and number of start-ups (per year) on a unit level.in the SEE region in 2017 (above) and 2030 (below)
Figure 3 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 26

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Time series of onshore wind power generation in a simulation for the first week.of 2030 at di erent levels of aggregation
Figure 4 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 27

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Total available upward reserve in the SEE region, in all hours of 2017 and 2030
Figure 5 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 28

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Total available upward reserve in the SEE region, in all hours of 2017 and 2030
Figure 6 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 29

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Total available upward reserve in the SEE region by percentage of consumption, 2017 and 2030
Figure 7 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 30

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical winter week in 2017 in MW
Figure 8 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 31

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical winter week in 2030 in MW
Figure 9 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 32

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical winter week in 2017, MW
Figure 10 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 33

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical winter week in 2030, MW
Figure 11 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 34

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical spring week in 2017, MW
Figure 12 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 35

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical spring week in 2030, MW
Figure 13 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 35

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical spring week in 2017, MW
Figure 14 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 36

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical spring week in 2030, MW
Figure 15 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 36

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical summer week in 2017, MW
Figure 16 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 37

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical summer week in 2030, MW
Figure 17 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 38

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical summer week in 2017, MW
Figure 18 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 38

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical summer week in 2030, MW
Figure 19 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 39

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical autumn week in 2017, MW
Figure 20 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 40

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical autumn week in 2030, MW
Figure 21 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 40

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical autumn week in 2017, MW
Figure 22 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 41

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical autumn week in autumn 2030, MW
Figure 23 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 42

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Number of unit start-ups in conventional power plants in SEE in all assessed scenarios
Figure 24 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 44

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Electricity generation mix in SEE in all assessed scenarios, TWh/year
Figure 25 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 45

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Non-RES utilization rates in the sensitivity scenarios in %
Figure 26 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 46

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Missing production values (non-satisfied demand) for the sensitivity scenarios, GWh/year
Figure 27 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 46

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Missing production in the low NTC case (critical autumn week of 2030)
Figure 28 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 47

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Generation mix in SEE in 2030
Figure ES1 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 7

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Time series of onshore wind power generation in a simulation for the first week.of 2030 at di erent levels of aggregation
Figure ES2 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 8

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Yearly average utilization rates and number of start-ups (per year) on a unit level.in the SEE region in 2017 (above) and 2030 (below)
Figure ES3 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 11

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Total available upward reserve in the SEE region, in all hours of 2017 and 2030
Figure ES4 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 12

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Electricity generation and demand in the SEE region for the critical week in winter in 2030 in MW
Figure ES5 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 13

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Reserve margin in the SEE region for the critical week in winter in 2030 in MW
Figure ES6 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 14

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Missing production values (non-satisfied demand) for the sensitivity scenarios in GWh/year
Figure ES7 from The Southeast European power system in 2030 on page 15

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