- Authors
- Ágnes Kelemen, Dóra Csernus
- Publication date
1 May 2020
- Pages
- 33
- Project
- This publication was produced within the framework of the project Southeast Europe Energy Transition Dialogue.
An assessment of final NECPs in South East Europe
How do the NECPs of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania stack up against long term decarbonisation targets in the energy sector?
In this policy note Klimapolitika has assessed the final NECPs of BG, RO and GR submitted to the European Commission. All three have improved in terms of their contributions to addressing climate mitigation compared with their draft versions. The plans have taken on board the recommendations of the Commission. In particular, the NECP of Greece stands out within the region in terms of phasing out lignite from the electricity system and through the achievement of a high share of renewables in electricity and heating and cooling. Nonetheless, the efforts of Bulgaria and Romania in particular fall far short of making a significant contribution towards long term decarbonisation and a net zero emissions target for 2050.
The analysis for was performed under the project "South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue" which is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). The opinions put forward in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
Bibliographical data
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An Assessment of final NECPs in South East Europe
How do the NECPs of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania stack up against long term decarbonisation targets in the energy sector?